Have you heard of attraction marketing?
Today I'll be sharing with you the simple 3 step attraction marketing formula to help you create daily cashflow even if you're a newbie and just getting started.
If you're struggling to create consistent leads, sales, and customers for your business, this will be of great help to you.
What is Attraction Marketing?
Before I explain what attraction marketing is, let me first tell you that if you've been struggling with getting leads and cashflow on a daily basis, it's not your fault!
You weren't taught right.
You were given bad advice from your upline to make out that dreaded list of 100 of friends, family, and people you know.
Then you go out and talk to those people on that list.
You were given a script or a company-replicated website that would try to "sell" them on your products, service, or business opportunity.
You were also told to put your product links everywhere on your social media profiles.
If you did this, you probably had one of three scenarios happen to you.
- People stopped returning your calls
- People told you flat out "NO"
- You were blocked, banned, or restricted on social media from liking, commenting, or sharing your posts
That's the wrong advice that keeps 97% of home business owners frustrated and broke.
There is a better way where you're not convincing or chasing anybody.
You're not writing out lists of 100.
That's where attraction marketing comes in.
So what is attraction marketing?
My friend and mentor Brian Fanale from My Lead System Pro (MLSP) defines attraction marketing as "a marketing strategy that ATTRACTS customers and clients to you who already want to buy what you have to offer"
Imagine being able to get messages and notifications from people who are excited and WANT to know more about your product, service, or business!
3 Step Attraction Marketing Formula
So you're pretty excited to learn more about attraction marketing.
With that said, how to you implement it?
Well, there is a specific formula that you must follow in order to achieve the results you're looking for.
Think of it like baking a cake.
When you bake a cake you have to add the right ingredients at the right time and baked at the right temperature to get a delicious tasting cake.
The best thing about this attraction marketing formula is that it involves only three steps.
And if you focus on these 3 steps daily, you'll start seeing results.
Step 1: Build Your Audience
The first step in attraction marketing is to build your audience.
This is why the list of 100 doesn't work. It markets to everybody.
And when you market to everybody you market to nobody.
Attraction marketing is nothing more than a message to market match.
With that said, who is the audience your product, service, and/or business opportunity is going to speak to the most?
- Is it for first time mothers who want to not only lose pregnancy weight, but want to work from home so they don't miss out on their child growing up?
- Is it for adults who want to create extra income so they can take care of their aging parents?
- Is it for adults so they can have a retirement in their golden years and make memories with their grandchildren?
Who are you going to serve and impact?
Once you know that then you want to answer these questions.
- What are their biggest problems and pain points?
- What are their dreams?
- What do they like to do for fun?
- Where do they hang out on social media?
- What's their favorite way to consume content online - FB Live, podcasts, blog posts, infographics, memes?
When you get dialed in to who your audience is, now you need to do only two things to build it.
First, you'll start building your audience on the social media platform they're spending the most time on. And you will focus there only in the beginning.
Second, every piece of content you create will be driven by what your audience wants. Namely, their biggest challenges and pain points.
If you're looking to do more of a deep dive into building your audience, make sure you download my free report which will show you how to do this.
Step 2: Engage Your Audience
The second step in the attraction marketing formula is to engage your audience by doing two things daily.
First, you'll reply back to everyone who comments on your content.
Second, you'll spend time each day going through your social media newsfeed and commenting on your follower's content.
You have to train the social media network your posting habits.
If you're using the platform the way it's intended by sharing relevant content and interacting with other followers, your content will stay in the newsfeed longer giving you more exposure.
Furthermore, when you engage your audience you're invoking The Law of Reciprocity.
The Law of Reciprocity states, whenever you do something nice for someone, they in turn, will feel compelled to do something nice in return.
If you're looking to do more of a deep dive into engaging your audience, make sure you download my free report which will show you how to do this.
Step 3: Sell to Your Audience
The third and final step in the attraction marketing formula is to sell to your audience.
People do business with those who they know, like, and trust.
If you've been creating content and showing a genuine interest in your audience's pain points, all you have to do now is recommend your product, service, or business opportunity and they will say "YES".
At this point, you're no longer selling or convincing, you're HELPING. And that's such a great feeling to have.
If you're looking to do more of a deep dive into selling your audience, make sure you download my free report which will show you how to do this.
More Resources for You
My Lead System Pro - Learn More Here
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) gives you a tools suite to build your business - lead capture pages, Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), and custom made lead magnets to give away to build your list.
They also teach marketing specifically on lead generation strategies. Their community and support is top notch.
Right now you can take a 30 day test drive of their marketing system for just $1.
Attraction Marketing Summit - Learn More Here
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) co-founders Brian Fanale and Norbert Orlewicz interviewed 40 of the top earners in the home business industry to pick their brains on how they use attraction marketing to get leads, reps, and customers for their business. It's over 40 hours of training in addition to transcripts.
Attraction Marketing Intensive - Learn More Here
Training from my good friend and top My Lead System Pro affiliate Diane Hochman. She will walk you through the basics of attraction marketing to start getting leads, reps, and sales for your business without doing any paid advertising.
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Email: drlisa@drlisamthompson.com
Follow Me on Facebook: facebook.com/DrLisaMThompson
Need extra help growing your business? Book your strategy session here where I help people every day.
P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.