Did you know there are 4 fundamental home business skills that guarantees you to have a profitable, sustainable business for years to come?
Even better, these fundamentals will help prevent you from falling prey to Shiny Object Syndrome.
4 Home Business Skills
I learned these home business skills back in 2013 from my good friend and mentor Diane Hochman.
Diane has been in the home business industry since 1999.
She learned the fundamentals of a home business from the late Jim Rohn and Joe Schroeder.
These skills predate the Internet and social media.
Diane used these skills to master online marketing and become a 7 figure earner.
Home Business Skills #1: Speaking
The first home business skill is speaking. It doesn't matter how your speaking:
If you know WHO your audience is and to enter into the conversation they have going on inside of their head, you'll build a powerful bond with your prospect with ease.
Remember, people do business with those who they know, like, and TRUST.
Home Business Skills #2: Writing
The second home business skill to master is writing.
In online marketing we do a LOT of writing.
Forget about formal writing you had to do in high school or college.
The skill comes in treating your written communication as if you're writing to a friend and caring about THEIR problems and how to help them.
If you make the writing all about THEM and their needs you'll never run out of leads or cash flow.
Again, it comes to knowing WHO your audience is and how to help them.
Home Business Skills #3: Presenting
The third home business skill is presenting.
This is knowing your sales video or opportunity presentation inside and out.
Before the Internet, Diane would attend the hotel meetings and/or home parties and tape record the presentation.
She would then practice that presentation over and over again.
As a matter of fact, Diane can still recite that presentation even today.
Practicing the presentation or sales video helps you in two ways.
First, you'll understand the nuance and flow of how marketing works.
Second, as you listen to the presentation, you'll start to anticipate what type of objections your prospect might have and how to over come those objections speaking in THEIR LANGUAGE (i.e. how they describe their problems).
Home Business Skills #4: Offers
The fourth and final home business skill you need to master is offers.
Most home business owners just direct people to a sales page hoping people will sign up.
Here's the problem - you're competing with other marketers promoting the same thing.
How do you differentiate yourself?
What else could you offer that will tip the scale to make people want to buy from you and not someone else?
Could you offer a FB group where you'll do additional group coaching?
Could you attach other courses?
Done for you emails?
If you're having trouble coming up with offers, check out the video below how Sports Illustrated crafted offers to get more subscribers to their magazine.
Notice how they promoted more of the bonuses than the magazine subscription.
Can you find ways to do that?
Final Thoughts
Sounds simple doesn't it?
You master these four home business skills you'll never run out of leads or cash flow.
Furthermore, you'll never fall prey to shiny object syndrome again.
The best way to master these fundamentals, I've got some great resources for you below.
Check them out.
More Resources for You
My Lead System Pro - Learn More Here
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) gives you a tools suite to build your business - lead capture pages, Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), and custom made lead magnets to give away to build your list.
They also teach marketing specifically on lead generation strategies. Their community and support is top notch.
You can get a 30 day Test Drive of the community for $1.
Aweber - Learn More Here
One of the MUST HAVE tools every online marketer needs is an autoresponder. An autoresponder allows you to collect email addresses and to email them regularly. It is a huge time saver.
Aweber is the industry standard and integrates with most funnel software programs including My Lead System Pro (MLSP), ClickFunnels, and Lead Pages. I've used Aweber since 2010 because the software is easy to use and customer support is top notch, including 24 hour online chat.
Copywriting Mastery - Learn More Here
Copywriting is an essential skill online marketers must learn because it shows you how to get your prospects to take specific actions such as sharing a video, opening an email, or respond to your Facebook message using your words. This is one of the most comprehensive copywriting courses written for home business owners.
In this 6 module course you'll get over 19 hours of copywriting secrets from Brian Fanale who went from struggling bartender with $30,000 in debt to 7 figures, and founder of My Lead System Pro (MLSP).
Email: drlisa@drlisamthompson.com
Follow Me on Facebook: facebook.com/DrLisaMThompson
Need extra help growing your business? Book your strategy session here where I help people every day.
P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.