It's been said that facts tell and stories sell. In today's post you'll learn a simple 4 step story selling formula that will magically take out their credit cards and buy from you!

And yes, this works even if you're brand new!

History of the Story Selling Formula

The origins of the story selling formula started with infomercials back in the 1980's and 1990's.

Before the internet there were infomercials.

Infomercials were 30 minutes of paid advertising of products and services ranging from weight loss to making money at home.

Tony Robbins and Richard Simmons became household names with infomercials.

You might be asking, why would people watch an entire 30 minutes of advertising?


They used stories. 

They told stories of not what their product IS, but what it DOES.

4 Step Story Selling Formula

The story selling formula is a very simple script.

STEP 1: Talk about what your life was like before trying this product.

STEP 2: Talk about what's the first thing you noticed when trying this product.

STEP 3: What has your life been like since using this product.

STEP 4: What's the best part about using this product (the BIG benefit)

Weight Loss Story Selling Formula

Let's say that you're promoting a weight loss shake.

Here's a simple script you can use.

Before trying this weight loss shake, I really struggled with losing weight. About an hour after eating lunch I would feel so tired that I would make frequent visits to the vending machine for candy or pop to increase my energy levels. As a result, I began packing on the pounds.

The first thing I noticed when I tried this weight loss shake was there was no aftertaste. In fact, it tasted just like a chocolate milkshake from Dairy Queen!

Since taking this milkshake every day, I noticed that I don't get really tired after meals. As a matter of fact, I'm even saving money because I'm no longer going to the vending machines. My clothes started to feel looser!

But the best part is, my husband says "you look AMAZING" and asked me to go out on a date with him Friday night!

Now let me ask you a question, would you want to try that product?

Now to get more examples of this story selling formula, check out this informercial by Richard Simmons. He was a master of finding stories of people who achieved weight loss with his products.

Making Money Story Selling Formula

Now you're probably thinking, how would the story selling formula work to enrolling new reps in network marketing?

No problem! Here's one.

Before starting my home business, I was up at night with tears in my eyes. My kids wanted more than anything to go to DisneyWorld for a week. With my current job, I couldn't take a week off, not to mention there was very little money left over from covering the bills.

The first thing I noticed when starting my home business was how easy it was to build my business using the simple story selling formula. I made my first commission in the first week of my business!  

Since then I've been putting my commission checks into a special savings account. The best part is, the look on my kids's faces when I surprised them with an all expenses paid trip to DisneyWorld!

To get more ideas watch this infomercial by Carleton Sheets selling his real estate course. Pay close attention to the testimonials. Can you spot the story selling formula?

Final Thoughts on Story Selling

A couple of more pointers when creating your story.

First, make sure you don't use any huge result. Find a story where the result is attainable.

If the result is such a huge number, your prospect may be thinking that it's unrealistic for them to attain.

You want people to think, "if they can do it, so can I!"

Second, if you don't have a story, go look at your company's sales page or social media page and find testimonials of people sharing their results. Use them to share in your marketing.

Finally, practice the story telling formula out loud. Make it so it sounds conversational and natural.

Remember, people buy on emotions first, then justify their purchase later with logic.

More Resources for You

My Lead System Pro - Learn More Here
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) gives you a tools suite to build your business - lead capture pages, Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), and custom made lead magnets to give away to build your list.

They also teach marketing specifically on lead generation strategies. Their community and support is top notch. 

You can get a 30 day Test Drive of the community for $1.

Aweber - Learn More Here

One of the MUST HAVE tools every online marketer needs is an autoresponder. An autoresponder allows you to collect email addresses and to email them regularly. It is a huge time saver. 

Aweber is the industry standard and integrates with most funnel software programs including My Lead System Pro (MLSP), ClickFunnels, and Lead Pages. I've used Aweber since 2010 because the software is easy to use and customer support is top notch, including 24 hour online chat. 

Copywriting Mastery- Learn More Here

Copywriting is an essential skill online marketers must learn because it shows you how to get your prospects to take specific actions such as sharing a video, opening an email, or respond to your Facebook message using your words. This is one of the most comprehensive copywriting courses written for home business owners. 

In this 6 module course you'll get over 19 hours of copywriting secrets from Brian Fanale who went from struggling bartender with $30,000 in debt to 7 figures, and founder of My Lead System Pro (MLSP). 

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Dr. Lisa Thompson


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P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.

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