Have you ever wondered what separates the top earners from everyone else in the home business space?
The answer is they have an extraordinary mindset and employ 4 success habits that they use both in their business and in their personal life.
The 4 Success Habits
I came across these 4 success habits from top copywriter Brian Kurtz's book Overdeliver.
Brian calls these success habits - the 4 Pillars to be Extraordinary. It was the basis for his eulogy to his boss Marty Edelston.
If you haven't read Overdeliver, I highly suggest that you pick up a copy and read it.
Brian is one of the best copywriters on the planet and his specialty is list building.
What I love about Brian is he shares the relationship between copywriting and mindset.
You'll get a great introduction to Brian in the video below.
Success Habit #1: Outwork Everyone
You've probably seen people out there who are "grinding" and "hustling".
The top earners don't do that because they value their time.
It's not the amount of time you spend working, it's what you do with the time you're working.
They spend time focusing on income producing activities such as prospecting, inviting, follow-up, and closing.
Success #2: Curiosity
Top earners are always curious about what's going on.
They study what's going on around in them and in their world and how to use those insights into their marketing.
For example, you can read - a book and there might be something that you know your target audience would benefit from - create a piece of content.
Success #3: Surround Yourself with Smart People
If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.
Top Earners are always hanging out with people who are better than they are.
Because it helps them grow.
Jim Rohn says, "Your success is dependent upon the 5 people you hang around with the most."
Don't hang out with people who are negative and bring you down.
Success #4: Help Others First
Top Earners are always looking at providing service first.
They don't ask the questions "How do I make more money?"
Instead, they ask "How do I SERVE more people?"
Final Thoughts
Curious, which one of these habits do you do the most?
Which one do you you need to work on?
Leave a comment below.
To pick up a copy of Brian's book Overdeliver, go HERE.
Email: drlisa@drlisamthompson.com
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P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.