Do you have a Dream 100 for your business? If not, you're leaving a lot of money on the table.
Your Dream 100 will help you tap into a never ending stream of traffic that will get you leads and signups with speed, pleasure, and ease!
In this post I'll share with you the background behind the Dream 100 and 2 simple steps to start building it today!
What the Dream 100 is NOT
When asked "who is your Dream 100" most network marketers assume that's the list of 100 people that their upline told them to write.
That list is comprised of friends, family, and people they know.
This type of list gives you a 90% rejection rate.
Because most everyone on that list is not your ideal customer.
Marketing is all about a message to market match.
When you market to everybody you market to NOBODY.
So instead of just marketing to everyone that has a pulse, why don't you focus your time on talking to people who are your ideal customer?
That's where the Dream 100 comes into play.
What the Dream 100 is NOT
The Dream 100 is the brain child of Chet Holmes, the author of The Ultimate Sales Machine.
Chet realized that 80% of his income would come from 20% of his clients. So he went about building relationships with his dream clients.
According to Chet, the ultimate goal of the Dream 100 strategy is to take your ideal customers from "I've never heard about you" to "Who's this person I keep hearing about?" to "I think I've heard of him/her" to, "Yes, I do business with them."
Russell Brunson, author of Traffic Secrets used Chet's Dream 100 Strategy to grow his company ClickFunnels into a $63.4 million/year company.
In the video below Russell shares how he used the Dream 100 to have Tony Robbins promote his company ClickFunnels.
Now you're probably thinking, "Doc, there's NO way I can land Tony Robbins to grow my business?"
I hear ya.
Let me show you how you can build your Dream 100 to help you start getting leads, customers, and signups with ease.
Remember, this all about RELATIONSHIPS.
Your Dream 100 is comprised of 2 questions:
Dream 100 Question #1 Who is Your Dream Customer?
The first step is to identify your dream customer.
You want to know more about your dream customer and what their biggest fears, problems, and dreams are so you can enter into the conversation they are already having inside of their mind.
Some guiding questions to ask yourself are:
Dream 100 Question #2 Where Do They Hang Out?
The second step in creating your Dream 100 is to find out where they're congregating.
In his book Traffic Secrets Russell Brunson gives some great guiding questions to help you find out where your dream customers are located:
Final Thoughts
Initially, your Dream 100 will be the places your dream clients are hanging out and you can start meeting them and serving them.
Now here's where things get wild.
Imagine going into a group where you're just like one of the guys/gals who WANT to hear what you have to say.
You serve your group and start making sales and signups.
All of a sudden people start singing your praises which catches the attention of the top earners.
And once you have the top earners attention, they'll want to interview you and share you with their audiences, expanding your audience and sales.
Not to mention your bank account.
This does take a little bit of elbow grease, but trust me, in the long run you will have more success than you ever thought possible.
More Resources for You
My Lead System Pro - Learn More Here
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) gives you a tools suite to build your business - lead capture pages, Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), and custom made lead magnets to give away to build your list.
They also teach marketing specifically on lead generation strategies. Their community and support is top notch.
You can get a 30 day Test Drive of the community for $1.
Aweber - Learn More Here
One of the MUST HAVE tools every online marketer needs is an autoresponder. An autoresponder allows you to collect email addresses and to email them regularly. It is a huge time saver.
Aweber is the industry standard and integrates with most funnel software programs including My Lead System Pro (MLSP), ClickFunnels, and Lead Pages. I've used Aweber since 2010 because the software is easy to use and customer support is top notch, including 24 hour online chat.
The Ultimate Sales Machine - Buy Here on Amazon
In this book Chet outlines 12 key strategies for running a successful business including developing a strategic mission statement, focusing on the right target market, understanding your customer base, and others.
Traffic Secrets - Get Your Free Copy Here
As a student of direct response marketing, Russell shares the foundations of driving traffic to your business that never go away including
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P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.