Facebook has been doing lots of crackdowns. 

Pages, groups, and personal accounts have been shut down.

Here's are some of my best tip to help protect your Facebook group from getting shut down.

6,000 Member Facebook Group Shut Down

The other day I woke up to a sobering Facebook post in an online marketing group I belong to.

One of our members had a thriving Facebook group of 6,000 members.

She put a lot of time and effort into the group.

The next day her group was no more. Facebook shut it down...

But it gets even worse...

24 hours later they shut her Facebook account down saying she was not eligible to keep her account.

Facebook's reason: UNKNOWN

email marketers

What to Do to Prevent Your Facebook Group From Getting Shut Down

This is a sobering wakeup call.

Facebook can shut down groups, pages, and accounts at anytime and without reason.

Fortunately, my friend had an insurance policy in place in case her Facebook group did get shut down.

She built an email list.

That's why it's so important to build an email list and start moving your followers and Facebook group members to your email list.

How to Move Facebook Group Members to Your Email List

If you have a Facebook group, here's what I suggest you do right away:

I would put a Facebook post or go Live in the group and tell them that you're starting an email list so you can still keep in touch with them in case Facebook goes down. 

If people want to be added to the email list, you can either do one of two things:

1) Send the to a lead capture page where they enter in their email address to be added to your list

2) You have them private message you their email address and you add them manually to your autoresponder

If you don't have a Facebook group, I suggest that you start inviting your most engaged followers to your email list.

Send them a private message thanking them for engaging with your posts and invite them to your email newsetter where you'll share even more cool stuff with them.

Ask them to give you their best email address and manually add them to your autoresponder.

Either way get started.

If you're struggling to what to say in your emails to your list, check out the resources below.

More Resources for You

Aweber - Learn More Here

One of the MUST HAVE tools every online marketer needs is an autoresponder. An autoresponder allows you to collect email addresses and to email them regularly. It is a huge time saver. 

Aweber is the industry standard and integrates with most funnel software programs including My Lead System Pro (MLSP), ClickFunnels, and Lead Pages. I've used Aweber since 2010 because the software is easy to use and customer support is top notch, including 24 hour online chat. 

Twist Your List - Learn More Here

This is one of the best email marketing courses for home business owners created by a single stay-at-home-mom of 2. In this course you'll learn different ways to write emails to your list that will get them to WANT to buy your product, service, or join your opportunity.

Social media networks change their platforms constantly, and you need to have an insurance policy to communicate with your audience and leads outside of social media. 

As a matter of fact, this course will teach you that you don't need a big list to make money. The creator of this course was able to generate over $1,000.000 in affiliate commissions with a list of less than 4,500 subscribers.

Dr. Lisa Thompson

Email: drlisa@drlisamthompson.com

Follow Me on Facebook: facebook.com/DrLisaMThompson

Need extra help growing your business? Book your strategy session here where I help people every day.

P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.

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