If you're building an online business, the key to success is an unstoppable MINDSET.
Today I'm going to share with you four pillars to creating an unstoppable mindset that will set you up for success.
An Unstoppable Mindset is the Foundation to Success
My good friend and home business expert Mark Harbert says that "95% of everything you do is totally dependent upon how you think and act toward the actions you take."
Mindset is how you think about your business. And how you think about your business determines how you execute and take action.
To explain this further let's revisit the parable in the Bible about the house built on rock versus sand.
"Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat agains that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it." - Matthew 7:24-27.
Now you're probably saying, "Doc, what does a Bible verse have to do with building my business?"
You can build only so high as your foundation is deep.
In business you're going to go through ups and downs. And how you navigate through the downs is going to determine how successful your business will be.
So how do you develop an unstoppable mindset? There are four key pillars.
They are easy to do and they are easy NOT to do.
4 Pillars to Creating an Unstoppable Mindset
Mindset Pillar #1: Vision
This is the most important step when creating an unstoppable mindset.
You see the vision is not about attaining the dollar amount. It's about the person you BECOME in the process.
When we start a business, usually it's coming from a place of pain.
We have bills to pay off .
We had a change in job status.
We had an unexpected life event happen (i.e., birth, death, medical event, accident, etc.)
Pain will push us only so far. We need a vision that will pull us through when things get tough
Instead of thinking about the money, think about who you need to become to attract that money into your life.
If you're having a hard time with this, here are a couple of suggestions that will help you.
First, sit down write down the answers to these questions.
Vision Building Exercises
If you're having a hard time with this, here are a couple of suggestions that will help you.
First, sit down write down the answers to these questions.
Another vision casting exercise to creating an unstoppable mindset is to have a vision board.
You can do this in many ways.
You can cut out pictures of images of the person you will become or the things you will do or experiences you will have done. Then put those images into a binder or on a poster board where you can see them every day.
You can also create a vision board digitally by finding pictures and saving them on your phone. Create a photo album that you can look at every day to remind you.
If you're into apps, there are vision board apps available as well.
I cannot stress this enough. Every successful 6 and 7 figure earner has a powerful vision.
Pillar #2: Gratitude
The second pillar to creating an unstoppable mindset is expressing gratitude.
Make it a habit the first thing in the morning you wake up and the minute your feet hit the floor start expressing gratitude by saying "Thank you for my...."
They don't have to be big things or monetary things.
They can also be little things too.
When you focus on gratitude you attract more things you become grateful for,
Tony Robbins says "trade your expectations for appreciation and your life will change."
Pillar #3: Goal Setting
The third pillar to creating an unstoppable mindset is goal setting.
There are two types of goals that you set.
Activity goals and result goals.
Your result goals are the big goals you want to achieve (e.g., I want to make $10,000/month)
What you do every week is set activity goals.
Activity goals are the action steps you're going to do each week that will get you one step closer to your result goals.
We can't control the speed of how fast we will attain our results. The only thing we can control is the activities we do.
Here are some examples of activity goals.
Then at the end of the week you celebrate the activity you did. Even if you did only one thing.
Too often we beat ourselves up for what we don't do and not give ourselves enough credit for what we do achieve.
You want to celebrate the person you're becoming.
Pillar #4: Personal Development
The fourth and final pillar to creating an unstoppable mindset is personal development.
You should be spending time every day reading books on personal, business, or leadership growth.
If you don't like to read you can find books on tape to listen to.
You can also watch our listen to mindset recordings.
Finally, you need to make sure you're watching who you're hanging out with.
The late Jim Rohn said "your success is the sum of the 5 people you associate with the most."
You need to make sure you are hanging around people who want to see you succeed and will help you achieve your goals.
More Resources for You
The Deep Abyss Mastermind - Learn More Here
This monthly mastermind is lead by Diane Hochman. Diane learned at the feet of Jim Rohn when she first got started in her home business. In this exclusive mastermind you learn the mindset and marketing strategies of the 6 and 7 figure earners that will set you free. You also get lifetime access to audio and video recordings since the group was founded in 2014.
Time Money Freedom - Learn More Here
Highly recommended book by my friends Ray and Jessica Higdon.
In this book they will walk you through the 10 simple rules they've learned in the last 10 years when they went from living on Jessica's wages as a make-up counter sales clerk to creating a multi-million dollar coaching and training company.
My Lead System Pro - Learn More Here
My Lead Pro (MLSP) gives you a tools suite to build your business - lead capture pages, Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), and custom made lead magnets to give away to build your list.
They also teach marketing specifically on lead generation strategies. Their community and support is top notch.
You can get a 30 day Test Drive of the community for $1.
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Email: drlisa@drlisamthompson.com
Follow Me on Facebook: facebook.com/DrLisaMThompson
Need extra help growing your business? Book your strategy session here where I help people every day.
P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.