Are you struggling with coming up with what types of Facebook posts will help you get leads for your business?

I got you covered!

Today I'll be sharing with you 14 types of Facebook posts that will build your audience and get leads for your business.

14 Lead Generation Facebook Posts

One of the biggest mistakes 97% of home business owners make on Facebook is they turn their Facebook profile into an online advertising board.

That is, they post nothing but their product or business opportunity.

You are MORE than your business!

People do business with those who they know, like, and trust.

I'll break this up into 2 sections. 

First, I'll share 12 posts that you can put on your Facebook profile that will build your audience.

Second, I'll share with you the two hottest Facebook features that will get you leads right away.

12 Facebook Posts for Lead Generation

Here are 12 Facebook posts you can put on your Facebook profile that will grow your audience and get people reaching out to you.

Lifestyle Posts: this allows people to get to like, and trust you. Share what you love to do with your family and your hobbies.
Value Posts: You teach something your audience wants to learn about to build your credibility and authority (i.e., tips to lose weight).
Quotes: To inspire people. A word of caution though. Go easy with these Facebook posts as they are overdone. What you can do is make them original by sharing what this quote means to you and how it can help your audience solve a problem they have.
Entertainment Posts: put posts that are funny that will make your audience laugh (keep it in good taste). People won't follow you if you're not entertaining.
Story Posts: This you telling your story! This is designed to gently promote your product, service, or business opportunity. You want to do this one every 2-3 weeks. You want this story to be relatable to your audience. The story focuses on where you were and where you are now (we'll do a deep dive on this in a future post.)
Engagement Post: This type of post you ask a question or give your followers a choice to respond. This gets Facebook to show your posts to MORE people and helps open the door for more conversations.
Social Proof/Results Posts: To prove to your audience you are serious about your business and are getting results. WARNING: don't post income claims. Stick to small results such as "I'm so excited I just received my first commission check from my business and taking my family out to dinner at their favorite restaurant to celebrate!"
Business Opportunity Curiosity Posts: these are posts that are designed to ask you about your business opportunity. DO NOT post pictures of commission checks or mention your company name. The goal is to get people to reach out to you.
Product Curiosity Posts: designed to make people ask you about your products. Don't make false claims. Don't show your product labels.
Facebook Live Video: One of the fastest ways to create the know, like, and trust factor. People can see and feel your energy.

2 Hot Facebook Posts for Lead Generation

Here's one little thing about Facebook. 

They love to reward people who use new features they roll out by giving them more eyeballs on their content.

With that said, the two features Facebook wants people to use are Reels and Stories.

Facebook stories allow you to post pictures or videos (up to 20 seconds). They are up for 24 hours. You can post as many times as you want.

Facebook reels are short videos, usually under a minute long. The purpose of short form video is to build your audience and to get them to follow and/or friend you on Facebook.

Final Thoughts on Facebook Posts

Here's my suggestion for you when it comes to Facebook posts.

I suggest start using Facebook stories and reels to bring people to your Facebook profile.

Then use the other posts I mentioned above to help you get your audience to know, like, and trust you in order to reach out to you know about your product, service, and/or business opportunity.

If you want to do a deep dive to get this done correctly, check out this Roadmap to Rockstar training.

More Resources for You

Roadmap to Rockstar Virtual Summit - Learn More Here

More people today NEED to find a way to earn from home than any other time in human history.

This 8-day virtual summit will help them find YOU, and YOUR products and opportunity (instead of your competitors).

The people are looking for solutions right now. They’re looking for leaders.

17 of the top earners in the industry are going to show you their personal roadmaps that have helped them achieve success. You'll see people who are using Facebook posts, stories, and reels to get free leads for life.

As part of your virtual ticket you also get 30 day INSTANT ACCESS to the #1 lead-generation system that these top earners use to get results.

My Lead System Pro - Learn More Here

Leads are the lifeblood to your business. One skill set you need to master is the ability to market and get leads for your business on a daily basis.

My Lead System Pro (MLSP) gives you a tools suite to build your business - lead capture pages, Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), and custom made lead magnets to give away to build your list.

They also teach marketing specifically on lead generation strategies. Their community and support is top notch. 

You can get a 30 day Test Drive of the community for $1.

Aweber - Learn More Here

One of the MUST HAVE tools every online marketer needs is an autoresponder. Your followers and friends on Facebook aren't your list!

Facebook can shut down your account anytime so it's important that you're moving your friends and followers to your email list.

An autoresponder allows you to collect email addresses and to email them regularly. It is a huge time saver. 

Aweber is the industry standard and integrates with most funnel software programs including My Lead System Pro (MLSP), ClickFunnels, and Lead Pages. I've used Aweber since 2010 because the software is easy to use and customer support is top notch, including 24 hour online chat. 

Dr. Lisa Thompson


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Need extra help growing your business? Book your strategy session here where I help people every day.

P.S. Want to learn how to get free leads for life? I Recommend You Start by Clicking Here.

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